Monday 12 October 2009

In one of my philosophical moods...

I wonder if the day would ever dawn when I would not feel the intense longing to have the things I don’t own. Does a human being ever stop wanting things?
I always wanted to visit European countries. Now that I have been to all the places which are considered a must-visit-at-least-once-in-a-lifetime, is my desire to travel and visit new countries and experience new culture any less than it used to be? No, it has just changed, metamorphosed into a wish to visit places less known, but it’s essence remains – untarnished, it’s merry flames cackling happily like a mean witch’s laughter.
Most of our thoughts begin with ‘I want…’ or ‘I don’t want…’ . Whether we voice it or not, we never cease to aspire for bigger or better. Desire has been labeled sinful by people and religions all around the world. Why is it such a taboo? Is it a sin to wish for a happier existence? When we speak about God and the wonderful life bestowed upon us, we try and delve deep and find a meaning to this life. Why then is it so hard to imagine that God perhaps meant us to just be happy? To be happy is to find out what we really want and then just do it.
The mere fact that want and desires are never ending, is what has lead to this reaction of mankind. But we kindle it in our heart and souls. It has been given a myriad of names to make it seem less notorious and give a positive side to it. We have called it hope, aspiration, ambition and dreams. We have bred it under the guise of fancies and given it wings, cheering it on as it takes flight.