Saturday 30 January 2010

The year that was

I have now come to terms with the fact that I am not great at keeping my blogs updated. I can blame it on my job, my lifestyle and keep adding random excuses to the list, but the fact remains - I am regularly irregular.
This year begins with a wish to write more frequently, at least twice every month - which is a pretty reasonable goal. Maybe, I will look back when 2011 dawns and be happy at successfully fulfilling his tiny wish, or maybe not, but right now let me look back at 2009...

January - I was in India enjoying life in Bangalore. Most of my days were spent running around for my passport and visa related errands. But I guess the best thing that happened to me was the discovery of my awesome PG flat mates and those great pyjama parties and gossip sessions I had. Met up with my cousin and her darling baby after years!

February - One of my bestest friends got married and I flew to Delhi to attend her wedding. It was my first trip to Delhi and it was one of the most memorable trips ever. Got my new passport and that too within a couple of days - Bangalore's passport office is one of the most efficient government offices in India, I must say!

March - Celebrated holi in the office and it deserves a mention simply because it was so much fun! It was a month of parties and friends and re-unions and it ended with a week long vacation with my entire family followed by the trip to Japan. And yeah, my best friend broke his hand and had to undergo surgery.

April - The first month in Tokyo was spent trying to get a hang of the language, the people, the hours in office, the crowds in trains.

May - I moved into my new house in Nishikasai from Nakano, well partially. Nothing major happened worth mentioning except a few trips to nearby places and more of Japanese culture. Golden week was spent in Disney land and setting up the new house.

June - My grandmom passed away and i still regret not being able to be with her more often in her last days. Went for white water rafting and faced the fear of water!

July - Went for my first camping trip. This was a good year for travelling and fun. I guess looking back, this was the best trip of the entire year.

August - Marked the end of summer and was probably the most emotionally wrought month of the entire year full of melodramatic mood swings that were so uncharacteristic of me that it left me wondering. Got my tourist visa for USA, though it was of no use...but another stamp on my passport calls for a 'yay me!'.

September - The month with the vacations - went around Japan and visited Yokohama, Hakone and Takao.

October - Diwali month. This month marked the end of the one friendship that I had come to treasure the most in all these months. Though it was a good month in general with get-togethers and fun-moments, it was all tainted with the sorrow of the good bye.

November - The worst month of the entire year. Back-breaking work hours, loads of bad news, bouts of ill-health - you name it and it was there! My roommate went back to India and I was back to living alone.

December - Life finally turned for the better, end of the year sounded the bell for making judgement calls and decisions. It was a month to reap the fruits of the hardships that Sep-Nov had shown me and it was time to finally relax, pay attention to me me and only me and spend moments with good friends and family as I turned a year older and bade adieu to 2009.