Sunday 21 October 2012


Where did I take the turn? Where would I be now if I had chosen a different path? These are questions that arise in my mind and remain unanswered. 
What if God or whatever force it was that created us had made the world in a way that we had all the answers. So that we knew for certain which path leads where and what lies beyond. Would that kind of life have made survival easier or would we have called it a life at all?
Knowing all the answers before hand would have killed the enchantment of the journey, each upheaval that comes and goes in tandem with every breath we take.
The choices we are faced with at every other moment in our lives that make us who we are. Who knows what we might have been had we made different choices? Would those have been the right ones to make? Have we made any mistakes down the road? If so, how do we go about rectifying those errors?
Is there a right or wrong choice after all, or are they just different - no wright or wrong answers?
This mystery that we are living and breathing, the journey we are trudging along called life, where does it end?
Who are we when we die?
Do we become the person we had envisioned ourselves to be when we started on this voyage? 
Or do we fall short?
Do we just end up so far from that person that if by some force of destiny we were to meet our future selves, we would fail to recognize them at all?
Who has the answers?
Do we hold the key? Or is it God?
Does our mind have the powers to control our fate? Are positive thoughts enough to favor an outcome?
These thoughts will stay as questions, seeking to find, but not able to take the leap beyond the question mark. 
What are these emotions? Why do the tears flow from my eyes unabated? Where did they originate and where do they end?
As the earth rotates and day turns into night and night into subsequent day, the questions flutter and revolve around in the human mind. The human mind is vast, bottomless. It is seamless and fleet, traveling miraculous distances in a fraction of a second and accommodating information that we never even imagined we knew. 
Knowledge is but an empty thought if it is without purpose. A kind word is never forgotten, though an advice, however befitting, might hit the ground and turn to dust. 
We may not find the answers to all the questions that erupt as tiny bubbles and burst dissolving into nothingness. But an act of love, a generous smile, a sympathetic hand, a healing touch never vanishes into obscurity.
It stays on for ever like a beacon - massless in itself, but bringing all tangibles into perspective.