Friday 20 June 2008

I believe I can fly...

off the handle...
all the time...

I think I need to get drunk... totally ...completely transformed to the state of Nirvana. And that's exactly what I plan to do the whole of next week. It's vacation time ..Yaaaayyyyy!!
After long hard months of work, i finally get a week all to myself. It has been such a long time since I had a holiday. Well, alright, it wasn't that long ago, maybe. But then the last time we went on a holiday doesn't really count as it was a disaster and by the time I returned, I was a 1000 times more stressed out than I was. But that's a different story - one that I have no wish to re-live at this moment, maybe some other time, down the line (if i am still writing i.e.).

So, I am off to my sister's place in Birmingham day after tomorrow and it's the endless gossip that I really look forward to, with both of us curled on the couch knocking down glasses of wine and bitching and giggling. You see, that's the major advantage of having a sister. Never mind all the hand-me-downs you might have had to put up with all your life, but baby, you got your girl when you need one.
Another pluspoint of this vacation is that my parents have come down for a month and are currently there with her, so, as a result it would involve some sight-seeing as well. Scottish highlands, charming lake resorts, aha!

Looking back at the kind of day I had at work, I am ready to flee at the word go! And on top of all that, it doesn't take a dime to get me all worked up and irritated these days. After a little bit of introspection and analysis I have satisfactorily diagnosed it as PMS.

And then, icing on the cake - there's this guy at work who annoys me to no end! I just can't tolerate this category of men. You know, the kind who try to show off at each and every opportunity even when there is none, and they like to assume that they know all the sure-shot formulaes of attracting the female species when all they actually do is turn them so off that they are poised to run for their lives at the first available moment.
This guy just gets on my nerves and I just want to scream out in a girl scout way - 'Attention!Stand at ease....Maintain at least one arm distance please!!!'
(Note: I think i am a poetess in the making...)
It often happens with guys like these, they try to touch you all the time, in the so-called pally way. Boss...I would rather be permanently labelled miss-hi-and-mighty-touch-me-not than entertain the likes of you! As for the courteous show of friendship, please give it a pass!
As cliched as it might just seem, most women can make out the various paths the mind of a male strolls along, just by the way they look at you. (God help those women who can't.)
Of course, there are exceptions as always, and it also depends on how much you are attracted to the man in question...mmmm. Imagine, the man you are attracted to giving you really dirty! That's pretty raunchy, don't you think? Nah...more like a sad C-grade adult movie, if you ask me...

So, this guy and all my out-of-control hormones constitute a killer-combo and just drain out all my patience and by the EOD I am seething with fury, frustration aimed at everyone and no one.

The worst part of all this is that it sets all the cogs and springs of my clockwork mind whirring in full speed, and I turn into an all-introspective and philosophical loser (yeah .. a worse loser than I already am!). And I end up wallowing in my own self-pity. Precisely at which point a drunken stupor becomes the need of the hour which cannot be fulfilled on a weekday owing to a.) your work hours which means you have to start early, rise and shine, and b.) you don't really want to get drunk in a sidey pub in London all alone just because you don't have nice company and are avoiding the bad ones.

There's just one more day to go, and then i'll be off to meet my family and dive into my holidays head-on.

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