Friday 11 July 2008

Back to business!

Well, I must say that the last month was exhausting, and went by before I could even say "What the hell?!!".
I had a lot of fun and completely enjoyed my time away from the everyday banality of life.
We really went all around London and parts of the UK and it was a nice thing tagging along with parents. it felt like being a child again.
And now, they're back in India and i am back to my life which let's just say is as interesting as watching paint dry. Alright, depressing green paint drying on an uninhabited, desolate city park which is closed for want of funds!!! Howzzat? Get the picture?

Hmm, that was a bit extreme. My life is actually not that boring. I joined the gym today (Applause!). I am lanning to take up some of the classes like kick-boxing and street dancing. Time to lose all those xtras I have put on thanks to the English food i gorge on all the time.

I am turning out to be a total shopaholic. Not entirely my fault, okay. The summer sale is on, which means you have to shop. It's just a obligatory thing now, right?
And I had to buy a gift for my cousin's baby who's turning a year old this Saturday.
So, I went out and bought a cool Espirit bag for less than half it's price and also a cool, simple classy halter top. No, not for the baby...that was for me!

So basically today was a good day, both at work and after. Aah, me, I've got my groove back...Now it's time for my beauty sleep.

But before that, I need to mention this. I watched the latest flick - Jane Tu ... Ya Jane Na, and I loved it. Full timepass, entertaining, not-boring-at-any-time kinda movie. Albiet I was a little skeptical initially as I really don't like best-buddies-turn-lovers kinda movies, and inspite of that I enjoyed it thoroughly. Silly, unrealistic comedy makes you laugh and after 2.5 hrs you come out of the theatre smiling and happy.
Me and my roommate had a nice dinner before we started for the movie and we had topped ourselves up with Malibu, so needless to say we were giggling the loudest in the movie hall. Teeheeheee.

I am looking forward to the weekend now, just a day to go. Coolio!

1 comment:

Swati said...

U should mention what u bought for the baby...really!