Wednesday 9 November 2011

Lost and Found!

"OK, that's it! The next time I feel the urge to sink deeper into my duvet and call in sick at work, I am going to do it", I declared as I frantically looked around today for my mobile phone.

I knew I had dropped it in the taxi today.
I played the 15 mins journey in my mind over and over and realised it must have slipped out when I removed my wallet from my purse to pay for the cab right outside my office. 
Yes, yes, Ok... I take a taxi to work everyday because I don't like waiting for the bus in Singapore's weather (don't judge!).

Now getting back to the main topic, my only concern was that not only would I lose all my contacts and their nos. but my contacts would not be able to get in touch with me. That would be terrible!
Now, I use a Nokia basic phone whose second-hand value would probably be 20 dollars or so. Needless to say I wasn't too upset over losing the handset. 
In fact, somehow, I was very hopeful I would find it. Maybe because I could hear it ring every time I tried calling it instead of the ominous - "The number you are trying to reach is unavailable or switched off". 
After a lot of 'missed-calls' from my friends, I lodged a request in the lost and found section of the comfort/city cabs and gave the time and destinations of the taxi.
Soon, someone from the lost and found office picked up the call, verified my identity and gave me the address of their office from where I could collect it.

I have new found respect for Singapore and it's people.
Something like this in Tokyo would probably have been "expected" behaviour and if I were in London or India, I probably would not have got it back. I know the above statement is a very 'generalising' one and isn't fair to any of the countries or the people over there, hence I used the word - probably.

But as I returned as a happy girl with my phone in my hand intact with all the contacts and data, I wondered how simple it was to return a smile to a face and put a troubled mind at ease.
The taxi driver who had turned over my phone to the lost and found office would have just spent maybe a few extra minutes to do this kind deed and yet I will pray for his well-being and happiness just because this deed of his saved me so much anxieties and trouble.
God bless you Uncle!

So, what am I going to do about this? I will pay it forward... and hope that soon I get a chance to do some good deed that puts another troubled mind at ease and gets a smile back on someone's lips. :)

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